If you changed your mind or accidentally made a purchase, please contact Customer Support.

Keep in mind that we are only able to process refunds for Android Devices

For Android Devices

In order to process your refund please be sure to send us a screenshot of your purchase receipt where the GPA code is clearly seen.

Once we have this information we can proceed with the refund

For Apple Devices

Unfortunately, Apple does not provide Pixowl with the transaction information necessary to do refunds.

If you changed your mind or accidentally made a purchase, please contact Apple Customer Support. Only Apple can refund a purchase made on iOS. You can contact them through your billing receipt. A blue link marked "Report a problem" is placed below the description of your purchase

For Amazon Devices

In order to obtain a refund for Kindle devices from Amazon and purchased via them, you will need to contact their support and request a refund from them as they are the only ones who can process refunds.